Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the time has come for the month-and-a-half-ly ritualistic night of mugging to descend upon me. i am wildly, insanely jealous of all of you who are sleeping restfully in your beds with no thoughts of exams and in my case, bullshitting my way through; a very sought after skill that has been well honed over the years as a deviant student. i just likened this monthly and a half exam week to a very long and agonising period, where the week before, cleverly disguised as study break is really actually pms. questions from online conversations with classmates will make one highly irritable and surreptitious glances at the textbooks, the especially thick advertising one, will reduce one to tears. the internet gods have aligned the stars such that no websites, discounting porn, interest me yet i click listlessly on everything, hoping for something, anything. i am very, very bored.


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