Tuesday, July 05, 2005

so far, today has been a nice day. nice but not...blah. i've cooked for myself twice; grilled chicken for lunch and an extremely jelak dessert because i wanted to use up some bananas. i've talked to some people i don't normally talk to much. as i'm writing this, i'm pushing some boundaries that will eventually fall through the broken bridge. but it's a bridge i no longer need and it was just being a hindrance, instead of an aid, to my way. i've accomplised nothing much but download a truckload of songs instead of reading what i've recently picked up - jeffery eugenide's middlesex and watching season 2 of friends. in less than an hour i'll be on my way to dinner nearby with my boyfriend and predictably, come home and recline on the bed, watch some tv and retire. nothing juicy, nothing salacious...just niceness.


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