Monday, May 30, 2005
i am well refreshed from a 17 hour snoozefest that would not have ended had my boyfriend not switched on the telly and table lamp. the only gripe i have from living with another is not being able to sleep as and when you'd like. he would rustle the sheets while tossing and turning and intermittently call me to bed. i would need to have the idiot box switched off and lights as dim as possible. what would ensue is an extremely petty fight that was unnecessary and annoying. in the vein of acquiesing to your requests to blog, i am forseeing this to be rather random. i have a long list of blogs on my bookmarks that i peruse on a daily basis, most of which belong to friends, or at least people i know. blogs that allow me to play catch-up when conflicting schedules won't allow us to. better cyberspace than never, no? the other few belong to strangers whose lives have interested me enough to keep following and reading. after this post, i'll be omitting at least one blog from that list because i don't need to know certain things. it doesn't make sense to me to waste a few minutes of my youth only to get upset. last night was the best in a long time. what should be accompanying this paragraph but is deficient, are some pictures. i'm lookin at ya, ungku. i realised last night that drum and bass is not only for sweaty, grimey boys; it's sexy as hell. its sex quotient is far higher than those of hip hop songs extolling the virtues of any skank, ho or slut easily picked up from your 'hood. there's something about those hardhitting, unrelentless basslines that made me want to get it on there and then on the floor. it's even better if they're coming from your boyfriend, it's like foreplay for one whole hour. for reasons knownst to only me, last night was inhibited, unrestricted fun. if only every other dnb night would be in my favour and as good as last night. a certain ST journo also showed up with her 'dead hot and sexy dj' boyfriend, whose article caused an uproar in the exitmusik forums for mentioning 'dj' one too many times in her article, making her sound like a dj slut. no one appreciates or respects anyone who sounds as if they are proud to be working their way through the dj circuit, doesn't matter if you're a journo or anything else. djs are people too, and like certain vocations there are fringe benefits, get over it already. continue writing like that Miss A, and i'll be looking at warming your seat in a few years time. that said, i am inclined to agree that djs can be sexy, especially mine. =) my only grouses about the otherwise almost perfect night was some drunken fool acquaintance making an arse of himself on the floor, the music is entertainment enough, thanks. the laser lights were also too much at moments, sure i want Lasik but then was not the right time. there was also a bunch of kids, and i really do mean kids, wearing shades in the already dim club, which to me, ultimately takes the 'whatever the fuck were you thinking?' moment. i'm about done with this perfunctory entry but before i go on to my sunday ritual of poring over the papers, zaihan just dispensed a nugget revelatory to several things i've mentioned in this entry. " pretentious people will surely defeat themselves". think about it, it applies to more than it seems to.
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