Monday, April 25, 2005
skipped posting over the weekend because i was trying to overcompensate for not being able to do all i used to so i ended up struggling to stay up even when my eyelids were leaden and so forth; and weekends are only so long. bygone are the days where everyday was a weekend. sundays are the hardest to let go, you want to grasp and claw every second that ticks past, and that includes repaying sleep debt and interest accumulated, which leaves me sleepless up to 4 hours before i am supposed to wake up for school. aaand to think i used to wonder why everyone loathed mondays with such burning passion. the regularity and routine of my days are still rather welcome, though i still bemoan having to squeeze with the office drones, what i do not relish are the regular meals. breakfast, i must have. something to sustain me til the 10.30am break. today was campbell's soup and some baguette. ok we're starting to get into mundane details. as i was saying, regular meals at normal times is making me a little pudgier than i like. the seams are straining, the third chin is threatening to overtake the second and i am having trouble passing through doorways. whoever said being a student was easy? pffssh. lifelong learning is going to drive me to my grave and i'm going to have to be laid to rest in a piano box. anyway, arrested development is on. best sitcom ever. without the laugh tracks too! but before i take my leave, go watch millions. director of trainspotting, lots of money, a touch of religious fanaticism and a very, very cute boy. what's not to love. [and it's better than trainspotting!]
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