Monday, May 02, 2005
the boyfriend is made to occupy himself with the animatrix dvd while i blog; i'm sure no one likes having someone reading over their shoulder, and the plate that held my unofficial third meal of the day or more aptly put, second supper of the night sits not too far away. and i am sitting here because i am trying to do the overcompensation thing again. you can't imagine the pleasant tide of relief washing over me whenever i inwardly bemoan the onset of another monday only to remember it is a holiday. so sweet, that feeling. it's like letting a piece top-grade chocolate sit on your moist tongue for it slowly disintegrate and swirling your tongue to smear and coat the inside of your mouth with it. so delicious it's almost sexual. the only grouse i have with regards to this completely laid back weekend is that i am not sleeping in enough. rising at 2? unheard of. waking up bleary eyed at 4? atrocious! the days of waking up when the sun graciously gave way to the moon is as dead as disco. a dodo bird. king tutankhamen. i can whine ad infinitum about this and never see the end of it. the refrigerator, the one that is as old as me and in puke green or as my mother would succintly put in catonese 'duck shit green', is filling up quite nicely thanks to yet another trip to the supermarket disguised as the returning of the Ray dvd trip. and always cold storage and above please, no ntuc. a little bourgeoisie, perhaps. but if the bourgeois can have much more variety, then so be it. next i'll have me writing about camembert, not cheddar [which incidentally smells like a certain bodily emission] and merlot, not ribena. kidding. alright, so after all this twisting and turning and directionless ranting, i guess i just really want to laud the in-house chef for his excellent creations and adept ability to acquiesce to my at times unreasonable cravings. a fine example would be cooking steak two nights in a row, the first being at a rather inhuman hour. and of course i had steak for dinner again tonight, but alas, was gotten from the western food stall that is big on efficiency and less on TLC. phooey to moderation, i've always had everything in excess, so why stop now? tonight was chicken gyoza for the first but not last supper ha ha, and 3 scrambled eggs for the second. he is the head chef to my lowly status of sous chef, commandeering the fire, the ingredients and utensils with silence and much panache. and i am reduced to being a lesser presence than i am used to, scuttling around fetching this and that, washing the dishes [ocassionally] and scarfing down the end product of his labour. never sexier is the man who wields the pan in stoic silence; dominating after submission. what a nice labour day this has started out to be; not labourious in the least and rather effortlessly enjoyable. hope you all have a good one too.
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