Saturday, October 27, 2007
the weather here in melbourne is gorgeous. there's the sun accompanied by chilly wind. travelling semi-alone isn't so bad afterall. all i need is some good weather, flats, a pack of dirt cheap duty free cigs and a map. walked from my hotel to the prahran area for the sass & bide sale, where everyone and their cellulite was just stripping down to their skivvies. ok that was my singapore prude personality talking. now the walk, that in itself took 2 hours, to put it into a singaporean context, it would be akin to walking from orchard to maybe ang mo kio or further. but it wasn't so bad and time was negligible when you are busy eyeballing the ornate architecture on some of the houses in the neighbourhood where the hotel was.
explored the city quite a bit but everywhere seemed the same. walking around and people watching just affirms my belief that caucasian men are not my cup of earl grey.
had my krispy kreme cherry popped. alisa, she of whose mouth has never stopped masticating food the moment we met in the city, and i bought an assorted dozen. she polished off all 6, glazed and choc fyi while i only managed 4 over a prolonged period.
the lesson learnt today would be to never be stuck anywhere in any situation without money in your plastic.
i wish i could insert pictures but the transferring and uploading would be such a bitch and being the non-camwhore i am, there are very minimal pictures, mainly of architecture and none of them contain me. well, maybe tomorrow or when i get drunk.
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