Wednesday, August 01, 2007
greetings ardent fans and rabid admirers!
it's been quite a while hasn't it. perhaps it is time to come clean with reason behind my sporadic postings. nothing like waiting for my hair to dry at 4.00am for a refreshing dose of honesty
now the sole reason for my glaring absence from the blogosphere can be attributed to the particularly inquisitive nature of an ex paramour of mine - who within 24 hours of a new post, would question me unrelentingly should there be any cryptic, mysterious bits; very much in the style of the CIA having a friendly chat with this fella, perhaps you've heard of him...bin laden i think he's called...over a cuppa.
moi? cryptic? mysterious? never!
owing to my severe dislike of my life being put under a microscope, i've chosen to shrink back into the recesses of my dark, angsty mind, only emerging when i am feeling especially snarky or pointless.
now about this fuss about harry potter and his posse... i have to say a big thank you to the few bastards who have tried to spoil it for me but unbeknownst to them, i decided to pre-empt such acts of kindness by demanding to know the ending of deathly hallows even before i laid my hands on the tome.
i have to say, that while i'm crushed that such an excellent series has drawn to a climatic end, i also found time to identify with that particular brand of existential crisis when potter came to terms with the fact that he might die when fighting voldemort.
well, this is not to say that i have to fend off terribly ugly men togged in spiffy suits looking like they just stepped out of Details or GQ, yknow, magazines for metrosexual Muggles. but i am sure 20 year old girls who lead relatively comfy lives can feel potter's pain, in their own way of course. like not having an amorata/boy toy of the moment, not having hot water to shower with in the middle of the night, not having enough money et cetera.
now the following snippet has no relevance to any of the above except for how it is also aimless rambling but i'm beyond caring.
in my ever ongoing quest to lengthen my list of pet peeves, i seem to have found one that has been topping the charts lately.
perhaps it is me, or my lack of finesse and delicacy with dealing with the opposite sex but i can't help but notice a glaring trend in my communication with this unique kind. although armed with [i assume] thumbs that work and a cellphone with a functioning keypad AND someone who's actually waiting for a reply, these people seem to have a love of letting text conversations die off by simply not replying.
this is simply befuddling because in my culture, it is simply rude to initiate conversations and just act like you dropped dead. it not only leaves the convo hanging in the air but the poor person on the other end of your non response wondering if anything did indeed happen to you. furthermore, such situations always leave me wondering if i should bring up the prematurely dead conversations the next time we interact. all too confusing. and they say girls are the ones that are hard to understand. the nerve!
funnily, this phenomenon tends to strike more with people i happen to be feelings for. the very same kind that warms the cockles of the coldest, loneliest hearts. <3.>
to be fair, i should also broach the delicate, and very likely, reason of this new habit amongst youths. it could be that i am so boring and uninteresting these people simply fall asleep upon conversing with me. mmm...this is doing wonders for my ego and self esteem. i say, well done boys!
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