Tuesday, October 28, 2008

looking at the pictures already up and respectively tagged and commented on at facebook, i'm struck with missing-siem-reap pangs.

the whole trip went without a glitch except for sam's symphony of the sinus and my inability to wake up early, we are still friends, no one is scarred or disfigured, half of the pictures make me want to laugh out loud and overall, i can't believe we only spent [24 x 4] 96 hours there!

it was my birthday present to myself, as was melbourne last year because i realised, hey if i dont do such things for myself then who would? the money spent could have bought a pair of basic louboutins but the louboutins can wait, experiences can't. especially for someone as impatient as i.

last time this year, i was in alisa's room on her floor and i remember being awakened by an sms birthday greeting from the person sleeping beside me now. ahh the turn of events.

in melb, i was constantly on this [natural] high, especially when i was alone because the weather was perfect, i could do as i pleased....it was just this unadulterated happiness that emanated from every pore, that i so rarely experience and all the more, i treasure and constantly replay.

in cambodia, i was terrifically happy too but differently so. there was a bit of vigilance but i felt carefree, and it felt as if the hours stretched into days but in a good way. i felt peaceful, though the frenzied, frenetic quality of phnom penh suppressed that a little.

and 22... could there be more nondescript, insignificant age...?


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