Thursday, August 07, 2008

to paraphrase the bridezilla who said 'once you go brown, it'll turn your frown upside down'... work has been amazing.

i have no qualms about leaping out of bed every morning and walking past the old shophouses to arrive at ours. the work starts the moment i sit down and inhale my breakfast at the same time, only pausing to email some favourite people. i dont even mind working late and have come to accept it as de rigueur. of course lots of positive affirmation from those i work with help too.

everything is falling into place now, as it always seems to towards the end of the year, for me. i can't wait to see how i will write my annual new year's retrospective of 08 because there is still one component missing. of course it is largely my doing that it is missing and working on changing the bits of me that caused it to go missing has been added to my quite substantial list of daily things to do. i would love to be able to include the missing component into my retrospective at the end of the year but we'll see how it goes.

i can just smell the weekend already and it smells like... sweaty balls, i mean being sweaty running after tennis balls and some great company to get sweaty with.


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