Friday, December 30, 2005

today, has been terribly strange. i did almost exact same things as last year this day unconsciously. or was it conscious? i don't know. surely circumstance and serendipity have steered me towards my decisions i've made thus far and it's only 3.33pm. what gives? another thing, i've been seeing repetivitve numbers in time like 3.33pm, 11.11pm, 4.44am etc. this is very Lost, if any of you are fans of that genius of a show. what are the chances that on the eve of new year's eve, you'll do the same things as you did exactly a year ago give or take certain events? should it be apt or disarming? aptly disarming or disarmingly apt? this is crazy. i've made vague plans for new year's eve. or rather, plans have been made for me, not coincidentally by special people; so i've just had to agree, disagree or just chime in with a suggestion or two. so that has been a breeze, which i'm very grateful for because the last two weeks have been nothing but exhausting. i felt as if the whole year was weighing heavy on my shoulders but the load has been lightening and so has my mood. i'm suddenly feeling very happy and i believe i have reason[s] to. this is most likely my last post for the year. thank you to some people who've made me open my eyes and grow up, thank you to the special one for teaching me so much and being so patient, thank you to a group of people i never expected to meet, much less grow close to; but i did and it's one of the things i'm gladdest for this year. happy new year's to all reading and thanks for that too. =)


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