Thursday, March 12, 2009

ok this is it. i've made up my mind. the first entry in my travel blog in 2010 will be about japan in april or may. maybe i'll end up going alone, maybe i'll end up being disillusioned with the place after looking forward to it for so long.

i don't know who i'll go with, maybe i wouldn't even be alive by then (don't really like the idea of that...), i had already asked the person i would like to go with the most very seriously, with as much gravity as a proposal of the marital kind but maybe by then he would be the last person i want to see (i sure hope not...) and the idea of traversing my way through the cities i want to see is semi-appealing although it would sadden me greatly to not be able to share the experience in the flesh with anyone...

so we shall see regarding the delicate issue of company but i would like to think, i'm so there.


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