Wednesday, March 25, 2009

chanced upon this pretty nifty idea for a meme [i know, i know, i havent even finished the previous one. attention span of a retarded tadpole]. so first i follow a meme and then i create one?

don't be alarmed at the swine flying past your window. just think of it as a flying bacon sarnie. om nom nom. or it's just your fat bastard friend.

this meme is deceptively simple, but it being a fantasy, it will suck you right in. so just imagine 24 hours in a day in the life of you 10 years later. meme, right there.

i tag sam, ming, hatta, lin

7am - get pawed and woken up partially by our retriever, not named marley. shoo him out, resume slumber.

8am - get pawed a second time by another animal, my sexy lucky husband whom i hope will still paw me at 70 when the grandkids are not looking and flash me a knowing, cheeky albeit toothless grin from across the dining table. ahh marital bliss, not as elusive as my silly 22 year old self had thought.

9am - emerge from the shower and get dressed then be greeted at the table by our gorgeous kids who thankfully inherited both mine and my husband's wry humour. as i quiz them on their third and fourth languages, breakfast starts appearing on the table. yes, sexy bastard husband [i abhor the use 'hubby'. gag.] cooks really well.

10am - waltz into my office, punctuality is not an issue when it is your little empire you greet.

11am - answer emails, read favourite blogs. just like how it was 10 years ago.

12pm - breeze out to meet sam and ming for our weekly lunch at a new place we haven't tried together and collectively bitch about the incompetency of our minions together.

2pm - reluctantly end lunch and head back to office. speak with in-laws whom i get along fabulously with to make dinner plans

3pm - wrap up plans on how to make even more money. husband swings by to pick me up and we take the kids out of school early as a surprise, to visit an aquarium [preferable to a zoo] and to prepare for dinner.

6pm - end a great afternoon by going grocery shopping together.

7pm - kids are almost dead from all the excitement so we leave them be and whip up dinner. in-laws arrive and we all have a great time chatting and eating.

10pm - dinner is over, in-laws have left, kids are dead to the world and it's just back to being husband and i...


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