Monday, July 28, 2008

waking up today brings me into my third week of unemployment. it's been an inconceivably long three weeks and being idle was killing me and what few brain cells i have. as lazy as i can be, being disengaged from reality and not having a sense of purpose was disconcerting and uncomfortable.

a job may not define who you are, especially at my age, but it certainly moulds you as person and you grow as your career should. i took the plunge to call it quits at my previous mindless, soul-less job and it'll be yet another headfirst plunge come next monday when my spell of unemployment officially ends.

i'm rarely excited about much but i'm anticipating working, thinking, the expense of a significant paycut but not shopping for a while never killed anyone so i should survive. i can't wait to start and i feel that i can finally relax this last week without any worries and i really hated answering questions about job hunts and the ilk because well intentions aside, they only served to ask myself if i really was incompetent and/or lazy and good for nothing.

let's see where this leads me and i'll report back soon enough.


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