Thursday, November 02, 2006

so finally the long overdue post is here.

on the twenty ninth day of october, these two people, who happen to be rather low on my list of people to finish off, in stripes... what, you say? that you can only see one person in stripes? well use your imagination and think harder...

...they came here...

...and down that little flight of stairs... celebrate a royal birthday...

...of someone whose initial is P...

...who had strict orders from the duchesse de teban not to rip this apart like she'd have wanted to... enough with the suspense already! who on earth is this mystery princesse whose birthday had such pomp and circumstance?!...

...ah there she is, complete with a retarded kindergarten boy's school project. the unidentified orange spiral in the middle of the project seemed to suggest that the princesse has a nasty case of ringworm, as the duchesse already said in her blog. for that, the moat crocodiles had a grand time with what was known as duc d'woodlands to us and chow to them....

...the duc d'woodlands in his former wide-eyed glory...

...the duchesse high on life and trying on the tiara for size...

...the birthday princesse...

...princesse and duc in better times...

...the duchesse should just look into her talent in wrapping elaborate presents instead of taking lousy pictures...

...princesse none too happy at having to end the night early. look what happened to her friend, cinderella. oh wait... she got to marry and bone this hot prince right? ok well going home early's fine then...

...the princesse's face suspended in disbelief at having to hail the royal vehicle...

...the duc really loves pink curly things...

i love you guys!!

contrary to the pictures and should anyone i didn't have the tiara on the entire night


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