study break week should just be called stay home and gorge on movies week, so as not to mislead anyone, should they think i was actually, god forbid, studying.
my body is all out of sync with the world, so all's to do when the hush of the night blankets everything, is to stare at an lcd screen.
so i caught all of these films, i don't want to think how many hours of my life were devoted to them but can you say celluloid orgasm? (shudder)
i particularly loved art school confidential and little miss sunshine.
art school confidential pokes sarcastic fun at artsy cliches and was a very fun watch although i'm not sure it's gracing our theatres anytime soon.
i'd caught little miss sunshine last evening with ming and sam and it was a blast. it was earnest and didn't seem like one those indie films disguised as masturbatory egoistical crap.
later tonight, i'll be headed to home club because my boo's brother is playing. the original lineup was for him and an ex to play back to back. whoever arranged that must have some wicked sense of humour...i like.
now dont come sending me 'i hate you' smses out of nowhere, because you know what kind of cock sense of humour i have...or do you? well, whatever you know, i can safely say it's still unchanged from almost 2 years ago. wow has it been that long already?
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