i caught hard candy a few hours ago, after anticipating it's unexpected arrival on our shores since about forever.
i really like the poster art, depicting the girl as some sort of urban red riding hood, about to be ensnared.
ensnaring there was, but let's just say it wasn't lil miss riding hood. the setting is simple, mostly done in a house and it can get a tad draggy at bits because there is all this talking going on but it's worth sitting through.
great acting from both actors and enough twists to keep you from dozing off.
however, the one thing that bothered me the most was, how come a fifteen or sixteen year old girl has rock hard abs?
also, the girl could have been a little less androgynous, what with the short crop and abs, and more lolita-esqe, since the guy in question is portrayed as a straight pedophile and would more realistically be drawn to femininity, because girls of that age would most likely already be concerned with their appearance.
another interesting thing i noted was when i noticed this bunch of heavily tattooed, and by heavy i mean ink on face, bunch of guys and i think two girls before i entered the theatre and turned out they were catching the same thing too; so there was a castration scene, and they tittered with excitement haha. i guess we're all gluttons for punishment, or pleasure, depending on which side of the fence you're perched on.
and with that, i leave you with an incredibly screwed up note -
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I'm pretty sure the rock hard abs just turned up and they couldn't very well we like "Okay, we need you to get out of shape before we proceed with filming."
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