Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i'm trying to counter the midday lull by writing and was coincidentally hit by a topic i've been meaning to touch on. so, i was talking to my old friend [and by that i mean primary sch] hatta, and we were talking about hate tags and being popular and being liked as a person. it's so funny how everyone packages themselves to be liked. externally, clothes, cleavage, perfume, hair. internally, exposing yourself to what would allow others to perceive you as a smart, interesting person, and sometimes, just pandering to societal norms of likeability. personally, i am full aware that i've stepped on some toes on purpose and accidentally or maybe not at all to be disliked. well, the ones done on purpose, what more can i say, i guess i just like to see bruised toes. accidentally.... well why don't you be the bigger person, let whatever pass and make friends with me? don't let that sulky face deter you now. and as for being disliked for doing....oh hey NOTHING, well, you're probably not worth knowing too. i really dislike talking non-stop and making a whole bunch of noise because, like i said, empty vessels make the most noise. to talk to people selectively and not putting myself out there eliminates a lot of problems, which i'm sure, ironically causes misunderstandings but you can't please them all. it allows me to be discerning and not pick up much trash when living life as vicariously as possible. so whether i'm thought of as boring or intriguing, it's up to you to decide. no wait, it's up to me to decide how i want myself to appeal to you.


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