Wednesday, April 12, 2006

while sitting down for the nth hour at yet another overpriced, franchised caffeine joint [ooh look! 2 types of drugs in one sentence. hur hur.], nads commented that my boyfriend's lucky to have me. well, lucky in context of the girlfriend from hell that was unexpectedly to join us, of course. i nearly snorted out my sip of the communal cup of heavily sugared iced mint tea when i heard that because what that poor thing has to endure is what makes superheros cower and cry in the shower. anyways the reason for this entry's birth, unlike many of its siblings whom i start composing in my head [<- please tell me i'm not the only one who does this] and thrash because well, it's yet another sleepless night and i thought it nice to deviate from my normal what-did-i-get-up-to-this-weekend entries which have frankly become trite to write and research material is scant because i've stopped having a life. ok now to why i gracefully debunked nadia's perspective of me as a partner. 01. i throw a fit everytime we eat at this table i'm at right now because i don't want bits of food to fall to the floor, laptop or couch. 02. he is a light sleeper and i'm a no sleep-er, meaning i never sleep when he sleeps, like right now. this results in him getting insufficient rest all the time. but on my part, i self-medicate with painkillers, i don't sleep for 33 hours [yep, true story] and a lot more but to no avail, so what's a girl to do eh? 03. i am obsessive about things i eat, e.g if i like something, i'd have it for as many meals possible so for the past 4 or 5 days he has been having pasar malam food cos there's a huge one in my area. poor thing called me at work today and said, 'can we please not have anymore pasar malam food please?' he must have been very glad i abandoned him and hung out in town instead. but roti john, ramly burger.....? woooooooooooo!!!!! 04. i say the meanest things. ex boyfriends can attest to this too. well, i do this because i'm smaller than him in build and while he can pick me up and throw me against the wall, i can be across the room and still hit where it hurts most emotionally. not a skill to be proud of though immensely important in life. 05. i used to not be able to be with one person only. hey, what can i say, variety is the spice of life, yes? ok kidding baby, KIDDING! now back away from me sloooowlyyyy......... 06. i'm high maintence in terms of needing good food more than necessary and more than recommended for general health, add that with compulsion to see almost every other movie released and that equals more expensive than being with some chinky chong ah lian. to alleviate this problem, i'm proud to say i'm from the school of paying for my own shizz. unless he insists of course. and to which he will be duly rewarded. 07. i'm the laziest mofo to come round since someone theorised that lions were a lazy bunch and he's enthusiastic about exploring all 683 sq km of our lovely city. how that is ideally achieved, is by waking up early on weekends. early? moi? the concept of my existence and rising early repel each other like magnets of the same poles. alright, i think 7 points is more than enough for now. a little bit at a time ok? don't get too greedy now. and coming up next....a post on what shows, that will never reach our shores, that have been occupying my time. p.s i have a surprise coming up for you.


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