Saturday, November 11, 2006

dear blog lumps,

let us take a minute to bow our heads and clasp our hands in a moment of gratitude to the person who birthed McDelivery. may him/her enjoy good health, get laid much more often than the average singaporean who prolly does it once a year when they get drunk and an abundance of riches.

in times of need such as impending doom, i mean deadlines, break-ups or just an uncontrollable need to have something in your mouth to masticate, let us not forget the kindly operators and deliverymen who work through the wee hours of the night to deliver us joy.

as miss salt and mr transfatty acids rapidly course through my arteries to mingle with mdm nicotine, while mr carbohydrates head straight to nestle himself in the sacks of cellulite my thighs contain, i would still like to say a big thank you to the now not so evil golden arches for such a wondrous service.


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