Sunday, January 07, 2007
since starting work three weeks ago i know i uncharacteristically haven't said much. well because it's that - there's little to say. i still deal with people and well, let's just say darwin will be disappointed to know that our mentalities haven't evolved much. oh well.
the only major complaint i have is a huge disruption in my routines. such as waking up nearer to evening than morning and taking 2 hours to read the sunday papers leisurely. hell i dont even have time to read life.
i can safely say i've never looked forward to chinese new year more because nothing beats 3 consecutive days [4 if i'm lucky] of no work and nothing beats eating bak kwa for breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and supper. mmm...barbecued swine. the depressing thing is i dont even know if my boo will be with me and sam and ming wont even be in sg. ugh.
i actually had more to say but i uhhh forgot so ok, that's it for now.
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